"But if I say, 'I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,' his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." - Jeremiah 20:9

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The One who calls us is faithful

Greetings from Pignon! I am happy to report that Heather and I have been in Haiti for one week and are both healthy and doing well. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us as we have been away.

Our days this past week have been very busy. We have been going around Savanette signing children up for the Thrive for 5 program that will start up in September, as well as the After School Program that will begin in October. It has been a lot of work but we have also had time for lots of laughs and memories that we will hold on to for a long time. We have greatly enjoyed working alongside our fearless leader, Woody Cadet, sharing our input with him, and learning from him. It has been great these past few days to learn to work together as a team as well as begin to grow a solid friendship foundation.

I am really looking forward to us getting the programs all up and running. Going to Savanette and signing kids up has been a very overwhelming experience, however. I was reading 1 Thessalonians 5 this morning and I am making it my prayer for the days ahead. “…encourage the disheartened, help the weak, and be patient with everyone…always strive to do what is good for each other.” (v.14-15). I hope and pray that our smiles have been encouraging to the people we have been meeting and that they will greatly benefit from these programs.

Sometimes it is hard to be patient with the language barrier and the noise that is all around us when we are trying to sign kids up for the programs. These verses were very encouraging for me -praying that we can rejoice, pray, and give thanks to the Lord always, because “the One who calls [us] is faithful.” (v.24). We have experienced such an abundance of the Lord’s faithfulness this past week, whether it was a cool breeze, or a brief moment of silence amidst all the chaos and noise.

We trust that the Lord’s work here in Haiti is good and that He will be faithful to complete it. (Philippians 1:6). I am so excited and blessed to be a part of the Lord’s work here. God has so richly blessed both Heather and myself so that we can be a blessing.

Thanks again to everyone who is praying for us. We definitely have been seeing the Lord’s providence here. Thank you for all of your love, support, and encouragement.

Also feel free to check out Heather's blog. Click here to hear her stories!
Bondye beni ou (God bless you)!